

Nightcrawler is by far my favorite X Men character. Kurt Wagner is one of the first example ( the first created ) of a mutant looking truly different. Nightcrawler can telport, he can go from point A to point B to point C, wherever, in a puff of stinky smoke. One of the main characteristics of the guy is his religiousness. Undying faith, thats why I love him,! As you can see, In his own ways, he has spread a message of faith and hope to everyone, including his teammates and teachers. As you can see, I have Nightcralwer standing in that position on a church roof, with stained glass, church windows in the background. I just love the confliction, the dichotomy of someone with blue skin and a tail, ( the tail is a great prop, artistically ) who looks all demon, and who follows christianity,, have a love for all, and undying faith.

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